Page Chiropractor : Dr. Brigham Adams

Dr. Adams and family in Bryce Canyon, UT 2019
I am Dr. Brigham Adams and I am pleased to welcome you to Adams Chiropractic Clinic in Page.
My philosophy and that of my profession is that we are not people who can be simply labeled as “healthy or unhealthy”. We are human beings and should be concerned with the “degree to which we have health”. Where we are on that spectrum is dependent on many variables. In our office, our goal is to improve upon that degree of health through regular chiropractic care. When your spine is in alignment your central nervous system can function optimally therefore improving upon that degree in many areas.
A Chiropractic Education
I attended Palmer College of Chiropractic located in Davenport, IA simply because that is where my chiropractor as a young person went to school and I loved the way he adjusted me. The education I received from Palmer was very in depth and taught several different methods on how to find, treat and diagnose spinal subluxations. And of course every patient we see in our office helps us to expand our knowledge and increase our experience. I have been blessed to be in the chiropractic field for nine years now and I am looking forward to many more.
On a Personal Note…
I have been married to my wife Camilla since 2001. We have two boys, Layton and Parks. Our family loves the outdoors. We love spending time on Lake Powell boating, fishing, surfing and wakeboarding. We also love to camp, hike and ride our quads. Our boys are involved in various sports within our community and we like to volunteer with their teams in different capacities.
My wife and I are advocates for healthy living. We believe in taking care of our bodies with regular exercise, good nutrition, and adequate rest. Camilla is a massage therapist and because of our similar career paths we have a lot of the same views on health and wellness. We eat mostly whole foods, like to weight lift and trail run together, and help our boys learn to make the same sorts of positive decisions for their health.
Find Out How We Can Help
I look forward to seeing you in my office and helping you discover the best health possible for you so that you can enjoy the great things life has to offer!
Please contact our Page chiropractic office, and let’s arrange a time to explore your options.
Page Chiropractor | Phone: (928) 645-8864
Chiropractic and Massage Therapy for Page, Greenehaven and Big Water